Gaining Access

API Key Creation

API Keys can be created by an administrator in your organization. Navigate to the Settings -> API Access section and create an API Key.

  • API Keys are tied to individual users in your organization and inherit their permissions.
  • API Keys can be given to administrators, restricted administrators, and managers.

JSON Web Token

Using your API Key, username, and company name, you can make a request to the /authenticate endpoint to receive an authorization token. This should be included in the Authorization header of all subsequent requests.

With this request, you will need to provide a JSON body containing values for company_name, username, and key. These values are obtained in the above step, API Key Creation.

A successful (200) response from this call will provide a token to be used as an Authorization header in subsequent requests. This token will expire after 30 minutes, after which attempting to use it will return a 401 - Unauthorized response and you will need to obtain a new token through the Authenticate end-point.

The Authorization header's value should be prefixed with Token, e.g. Token token_goes_here